(Set: $Basehealth to 20)
(Set: $Health to $Basehealth)
(Set: $Health2 to $Health)
(Set: $Attack to 5)
(Set: $Playerattack to $Attack)
(Set: $Gold to 0)
(Set: $Ratbeat to false)
(Set: $Zbeat to false)
(Set: $Dbeat to false)
(Set: $Gbeat to false)Fight
(If: $Ratbeat is true)[[[Zombie->2]]]
(If: $Zbeat is true)[[[Dragon->3]]]
(If: $Dbeat is true)[[[God->4]]]
(Set: $Lastfight to "Rat")
(Set: $Fight to "Rat")
(text-colour:green)[Health: (Print: $Health)]
(text-colour:yellow)[Gold: (Print: $Gold)]
(text-colour:red)[Rat Health: (Print: $Rathealth)]
(Button:)[[Attack-> 1A]]
(Button:)[[Block-> 1B]]
(If:$Health < 1)[
(Goto: "You Lose")
(If:$Rathealth < 1)[
(Goto: "You WinR")
](Set: $Pattack to true)
(Goto: "Rat Fight")(Set: $Pattack to false)
(Goto: "Rat Fight")(Set: $Lastfight to "Rat")
(Set: $Fight to "Rat")
(If: $Rathealth > 5)[(Set: $Ratmove to (random: 1,3))
(If: $Pattack is true)[
(If: $Ratmove is 1)[
(Set: $Rathealth to $Rathealth - $Playerattack)
(Set: $Health to $Health - $Ratattack)
(Goto: "You Hit Each Other")
(If: $Ratmove is 2)[
(Goto: "You Missed")
(If: $Ratmove is 3)[
(Set: $Rathealth to $Rathealth - $Playerattack)
(Goto: "You Hit The Rat")
(If: $Pattack is false)[
(If: $Ratmove is 2)[
(Goto: "You Missed")
(If: $Ratmove is 1)[
(Goto: "The Rat Missed")
(If: $Ratmove is 3)[
(Set: $Rathealth to $Rathealth - $Playerattack)
(Goto: "The Rat Tripped on it's tail")
(Set: $Ratmove to (random: 1,4))
(If: $Pattack is true)[
(If: $Ratmove is 1)[
(Set: $Rathealth to $Rathealth - $Playerattack)
(Set: $Health to $Health - $Ratattack)
(Goto: "You Hit Each Other")
(If: $Ratmove is 2)[
(Goto: "You Missed")
(If: $Ratmove is 3)[
(Set: $Rathealth to $Rathealth - $Playerattack)
(Goto: "You Hit The Rat")
(If: $Pattack is false)[
(If: $Ratmove is 2)[
(Goto: "You Missed")
(If: $Ratmove is 1)[
(Goto: "The Rat Missed")
(If: $Ratmove is 3)[
(Set: $Rathealth to $Rathealth - $Playerattack)
(Goto: "The Rat Tripped on it's tail")
(If: $Ratmove is 4)[
(Goto: "Retreated")
(If: $Fight is "Rat")[
The Rat Retreated
(If: $Fight is "Zombie")[
The Zombie Retreated
(If: $Fight is "Dragon")[
The Dragon Retired
(If: $Fight is "God")[
God Retreated
[[Back->Oponent]]](Set: $Rathealth to 10)
(Set: $Ratattack to 4)
The Rat claws at the air
[[Fight ->Rat]]
(If: $Fight is "Rat")[
The Rat Hit You
(If: $Fight is "Zombie")[
The Zombie Hit You
(If: $Fight is "Dragon")[
The Dragon Hit You
(If: $Fight is "God")[
God Hit You
[[Back->God]]]You Hit Each Other
(If: $Fight is "Rat")[
(If: $Fight is "Zombie")[
(If: $Fight is "Dragon")[
(If: $Fight is "God")[
(If: $Fight is "Rat")[
You Hit The Rat
(If: $Fight is "Zombie")[
You Hit The Zombie
(If: $Fight is "Dragon")[
You Hit The Dragon
(If: $Fight is "God")[
You Hit God
[[Back->God]]]You Missed
(If: $Fight is "Rat")[
(If: $Fight is "Zombie")[
(If: $Fight is "Dragon")[
(If: $Fight is "God")[
(If: $Fight is "Rat")[
The Rat Missed
(If: $Fight is "Zombie")[
The Zombie Missed
(If: $Fight is "Dragon")[
The Dragon Missed
(If: $Fight is "God")[
God Missed
(If: $Fight is "Rat")[
The Rat Tripped on its tail
(If: $Fight is "Zombie")[
The Zombie Fell on it's Face
(If: $Fight is "Dragon")[
The Dragon's Fire Puffed in it's face
(If: $Fight is "God")[
God was blinded by thier own radiance
[[Back->God]]]You Lose
(Set: $Health to $Basehealth)
[[Play Again->Menu]] You Win
(Set: $Ratbeat to true)
(Set: $Gold to $Gold + 40)
[[Back->Menu]] (Set: $Zhealth to 20)
(Set: $Zattack to 6)
The Zombie groans
[[Fight ->Zombie]](Set: $Lastfight to "Zombie")
(Set: $Fight to "Zombie")
(text-colour:green)[Health: (Print: $Health)]
(text-colour:yellow)[Gold: (Print: $Gold)]
(text-colour:red)[Zombie Health: (Print: $Zhealth)]
(Button:)[[Attack-> 2A]]
(Button:)[[Block-> 2B]]
(If:$Health < 1)[
(Goto: "You Lose")
(If:$Zhealth < 1)[
(Goto: "You WinZ")
](Set: $Pattack to true)
(Goto: "Zombie Fight")(Set: $Pattack to false)
(Goto: "Zombie Fight")(Set: $Lastfight to "Zombie")
(Set: $Fight to "Zombie")
(If: $Zhealth > 5)[(Set: $Zmove to (random: 1,3))
(If: $Pattack is true)[
(If: $Zmove is 1)[
(Set: $Zhealth to $Zhealth - $Playerattack)
(Set: $Health to $Health - $Zattack)
(Goto: "You Hit Each Other")
(If: $Zmove is 2)[
(Goto: "You Missed")
(If: $Zmove is 3)[
(Set: $Zhealth to $Zhealth - $Playerattack)
(Goto: "You Hit The Rat")
(If: $Pattack is false)[
(If: $Zmove is 2)[
(Goto: "You Missed")
(If: $Zmove is 1)[
(Goto: "The Rat Missed")
(If: $Zmove is 3)[
(Set: $Zhealth to $Zhealth - $Playerattack)
(Goto: "The Rat Tripped on it's tail")
(Set: $Zmove to (random: 1,4))
(If: $Pattack is true)[
(If: $Zmove is 1)[
(Set: $Zhealth to $Zhealth - $Playerattack)
(Set: $Health to $Health - $Zattack)
(Goto: "You Hit Each Other")
(If: $Zmove is 2)[
(Goto: "You Missed")
(If: $Zmove is 3)[
(Set: $Zhealth to $Zhealth - $Playerattack)
(Goto: "You Hit The Rat")
(If: $Pattack is false)[
(If: $Zmove is 2)[
(Goto: "You Missed")
(If: $Zmove is 1)[
(Goto: "The Rat Missed")
(If: $Zmove is 3)[
(Set: $Zhealth to $Zhealth - $Playerattack)
(Goto: "The Rat Tripped on it's tail")
(If: $Zmove is 4)[
(Goto: "Retreated")
]](Set: $Dhealth to 50)
(Set: $Dattack to 10)
The Dragon Roars to the skies
[[Fight ->Dragon]](Set: $Ghealth to 100)
(Set: $Gattack to 20)
God's eyes glow with rage
[[Fight ->God]](Set: $Lastfight to "Dragon")
(Set: $Fight to "Dragon")
(text-colour:green)[Health: (Print: $Health)]
(text-colour:yellow)[Gold: (Print: $Gold)]
(text-colour:red)[Dragon Health: (Print: $Dhealth)]
(Button:)[[Attack-> 3A]]
(Button:)[[Block-> 3B]]
(If:$Health < 1)[
(Goto: "You Lose")
(If:$Dhealth < 1)[
(Goto: "You WinD")
](Set: $Pattack to true)
(Goto: "Dragon Fight")(Set: $Pattack to false)
(Goto: "Dragon Fight")(Set: $Lastfight to "Dragon")
(Set: $Fight to "Dragon")
(If: $Dhealth > 5)[(Set: $Dmove to (random: 1,3))
(If: $Pattack is true)[
(If: $Dmove is 1)[
(Set: $Dhealth to $Dhealth - $Playerattack)
(Set: $Health to $Health - $Dattack)
(Goto: "You Hit Each Other")
(If: $Dmove is 2)[
(Goto: "You Missed")
(If: $Dmove is 3)[
(Set: $Dhealth to $Dhealth - $Playerattack)
(Goto: "You Hit The Rat")
(If: $Pattack is false)[
(If: $Dmove is 2)[
(Goto: "You Missed")
(If: $Dmove is 1)[
(Goto: "The Rat Missed")
(If: $Dmove is 3)[
(Set: $Dhealth to $Dhealth - $Playerattack)
(Goto: "The Rat Tripped on it's tail")
(Set: $Dmove to (random: 1,4))
(If: $Pattack is true)[
(If: $Dmove is 1)[
(Set: $Dhealth to $Dhealth - $Playerattack)
(Set: $Health to $Health - $Dattack)
(Goto: "You Hit Each Other")
(If: $Dmove is 2)[
(Goto: "You Missed")
(If: $Dmove is 3)[
(Set: $Dhealth to $Dhealth - $Playerattack)
(Goto: "You Hit The Rat")
(If: $Pattack is false)[
(If: $Dmove is 2)[
(Goto: "You Missed")
(If: $Dmove is 1)[
(Goto: "The Rat Missed")
(If: $Dmove is 3)[
(Set: $Dhealth to $Dhealth - $Playerattack)
(Goto: "The Rat Tripped on it's tail")
(If: $Dmove is 4)[
(Goto: "Retreated")
]](Set: $Lastfight to "God")
(Set: $Fight to "God")
(text-colour:green)[Health: (Print: $Health)]
(text-colour:yellow)[Gold: (Print: $Gold)]
(text-colour:red)[God Health: (Print: $Ghealth)]
(Button:)[[Attack-> 4A]]
(Button:)[[Block-> 4B]]
(If:$Health < 1)[
(Goto: "You Lose")
(If:$Ghealth < 1)[
(Goto: "You WinG")
](Set: $Lastfight to "God")
(Set: $Fight to "God")
(If: $Ghealth > 5)[(Set: $Gmove to (random: 1,3))
(If: $Pattack is true)[
(If: $Gmove is 1)[
(Set: $Ghealth to $Ghealth - $Playerattack)
(Set: $Health to $Health - $Gattack)
(Goto: "You Hit Each Other")
(If: $Gmove is 2)[
(Goto: "You Missed")
(If: $Gmove is 3)[
(Set: $Ghealth to $Ghealth - $Playerattack)
(Goto: "You Hit The Rat")
(If: $Pattack is false)[
(If: $Gmove is 2)[
(Goto: "You Missed")
(If: $Gmove is 1)[
(Goto: "The Rat Missed")
(If: $Dmove is 3)[
(Set: $Ghealth to $Ghealth - $Playerattack)
(Goto: "The Rat Tripped on it's tail")
(Set: $Gmove to (random: 1,4))
(If: $Pattack is true)[
(If: $Gmove is 1)[
(Set: $Ghealth to $Ghealth - $Playerattack)
(Set: $Health to $Health - $Gattack)
(Goto: "You Hit Each Other")
(If: $Gmove is 2)[
(Goto: "You Missed")
(If: $Gmove is 3)[
(Set: $Ghealth to $Ghealth - $Playerattack)
(Goto: "You Hit The Rat")
(If: $Pattack is false)[
(If: $Gmove is 2)[
(Goto: "You Missed")
(If: $Gmove is 1)[
(Goto: "The Rat Missed")
(If: $Gmove is 3)[
(Set: $Ghealth to $Ghealth - $Playerattack)
(Goto: "The Rat Tripped on it's tail")
(If: $Gmove is 4)[
(Goto: "Retreated")
]](Set: $Pattack to true)
(Goto: "God Fight")(Set: $Pattack to false)
(Goto: "God Fight")(text-colour:green)[Health: (Print: $Health)]
(text-colour:yellow)[Gold: (Print: $Gold)]
(If: $EW is "Wood Sword")[
(Set: $Playerattack to $Attack + $WWS)
(If: $EW is "Iron Sword")[
(Set: $Playerattack to $Attack + $WIS)
(If: $EW is "Gold Sword")[
(Set: $Playerattack to $Attack + $WGS)
(If: $EA is "Leather Armor")[
(Set: $Health to $BaseHealth + $ALS)
(Set: $Defense to $ALS)
(If: $EA is "Iron Armor")[
(Set: $Health to $Basehealth + $AIS)
(Set: $Defense to $AIS)
(If: $EA is "Gold Armor")[
(Set: $Health to $Basehealth + $AGS)
(Set: $Defense to $AGS)
(text-colour:grey)[(dropdown: bind $TobuyA, "Armor", "Leather Armor", "Iron Armor", "Gold Armor")
(dropdown: bind $TobuyW, "Weapons", "Wood Sword", "Iron Sword", "Gold Sword")]
(Set:$ALS to 10)
(Set:$ALC to 40)
(Set:$AIS to 20)
(Set:$AIC to 70)
(Set:$AGS to 50)
(Set:$AGC to 100)
(Set:$WWS to 5)
(Set:$WWC to 40)
(Set:$WIS to 10)
(Set:$WIC to 70)
(Set:$WGS to 20)
(Set:$WGC to 100)
[[Purchase]]You Win
(Set: $Zbeat to true)
(Set: $Gold to $Gold + 60)
[[Back->Menu]]You Win
(Set: $Dbeat to true)
(Set: $Gold to $Gold + 80)
[[Back->Menu]](text-style:"sway")+(text-colour:yellow)+(text-size:3)[**YOU BEAT GOD**]
(Set: $Gbeat to true)
(Set: $Gold to $Gold + 110)
You Win!:D
[[Play Again->Main Menu]]Cart
{(If: $TobuyA is "Armor")[
No Armor Selected
(Else:)(Print: $TobuyA)[|]
(If:$TobuyA is "Leather Armor")[
(text-colour:blue)[+ (Print:$ALS) Defense ](text-colour:yellow)[Cost: (Print: $ALC) Gold]
(If:$TobuyA is "Iron Armor")[
(text-colour:blue)[+ (Print:$AIC) Defense]
(text-colour:yellow)[Cost: (Print:$AIC) Gold]
(If:$TobuyA is "Gold Armor")[
(text-colour:blue)[+ (Print: $AGS) Defense]
(text-colour:yellow)[Cost: (Print: $AGC) Gold]
{(If: $TobuyW is "Weapons")[
No Weapons Selected
(Else:)(Print: $TobuyW)[|]
(If:$TobuyW is "Wood Sword")[
(text-colour:red)[+ (Print: $WWS)Attack]
(text-colour:yellow)[Cost: (Print: $WWC) Gold]
(If:$TobuyW is "Iron Sword")[
(text-colour:red)[+ (Print: $WIS) Attack]
(text-colour:yellow)[Cost: (Print: $WIC) Gold]
(If:$TobuyW is "Gold Sword")[
(text-colour:red)[+ (Print: $WGS) Attack]
(text-colour:yellow)[Cost: (Print: $WGC) Gold]
[[Purchase->Buy]](If: $TobuyA is "Armor")[
(Set: $CostA to 0)
(If:$TobuyA is "Leather Armor")[
(Set: $CostA to $ALC)
(Set: $HasAL to true)
(If:$TobuyA is "Iron Armor")[
(Set: $CostA to $AIC)
(Set: $HasAI to true)
(If:$TobuyA is "Gold Armor")[
(Set: $CostA to $AGC)
(Set: $HasAG to true)
(If: $TobuyW is "Weapons")[
(Set: $CostW to 0)
(Else:)[(Print: $TobuyW)[|]
(If:$TobuyW is "Wood Sword")[
(Set: $CostW to $WWC)
(Set: $HasWW to true)
(If:$TobuyW is "Iron Sword")[
(Set: $CostW to $WIC)
(Set: $HasWI to true)
(If:$TobuyW is "Gold Sword")[
(Set: $CostW to $WGC)
(Set: $HasWG to true)
(If: $Gold < 1)[(Goto: "Not Enough Money")]
(Goto: "Buy2")
(text-colour:green)[Top Health:(Print: $Health2)]
(text-colour:blue)[Defence:(Print: $Defense)]
(text-colour:yellow)[Gold:(Print: $Gold)]
{(If: $EA is 0 or "Armor")[Armor: None]
(Else:)[Armor: (Print: $EA)]}
{(If: $EW is 0 or "Weapon")[Weapon: None]
Weapon:(Print: $EW)]}
[[Back->Menu]](Set: $Cost to $CostA + $CostW + $CostP)
(If: $Gold < $Cost)[(Goto: "Not Enough Money")]
(Set: $Gold to $Gold - $Cost)
(Goto:"Bought Screen")]You Bought:
{(If: $TobuyA is "Armor")[
(Else:)[(Print: $TobuyA)]
{(If: $TobuyW is "Weapons")[
(Else:)[(Print: $TobuyW)]}
(Set: $EW to $TobuyW)
(Set: $EA to $TobuyA)
[[Back->Menu]]You Don't have enough money :(
[[Back->Menu]](If: $Ratbeat is true)[
[[Heal 10 Points]]
(text-colour:yellow)[Cost: 10 Gold]]
(If: $Zbeat is true)[
[[Heal 20 Points]]
(text-colour:yellow)[Cost: 20 Gold]]
(If: $Dbeat is true)[
[[Heal 30 Points]]
(text-colour:yellow)[Cost: 30 Gold]]
(If: $Lastfight is "Rat")[
(If: $Lastfight is "Zombie")[
(If: $Lastfight is "Dragon")[
(If: $Lastfight is "God")[
}{(If: $Health < $Basehealth)[(Set: $Health to $Health + 10)
(Set: $Gold to $Gold - 10)
(Goto: "Healed")
(Else:)[Already Full Health
{(If: $Health < $Basehealth)[(Set: $Health to $Health + 20)
(Set: $Gold to $Gold - 20)
(Goto: "Healed")]
(Else:)[Already Full Health
{(If: $Health < $Basehealth)[(Set: $Health to $Health + 30)
(Set: $Gold to $Gold - 30)
(Goto: "Healed")]
(Else:)[Already Full Health
You were healed